Img Aditi Nirman Foundation We have always dreamt of One India, an India where the Urban-Rural divide doesn’t exist. We hope that you will pledge your support to the Swades Foundation, to our Rural communities. Pledge to support their dreams with the same passion as we pursue our own. Pledge to become a part of their world and welcome them to ours. we believe that the partnership of rural India with corporates, young urban India, the Government and other foundations is the key to create a permanent and irreversible change for good.

Img To transform one million rural lives every five years through holistic development across Health, Education, Water & Sanitation and Economic Development by creating a scalable, replicable and community-centric model of sustainable development. An empowered and poverty-free rural India where communities are capable of transforming their own lives. At the Swades Foundation, we believe that the partnership of rural India with corporates, young urban India, the Government and other foundations is the key to create a permanent and irreversible change for good.

Img Om Shri Shankar Sai Charitable Trust was conceptualized and set up to prepare and engage networks to recognize and take care of their own issues, while utilizing government frameworks and arrangements planned for conveying open administrations. people group volunteers and gatherings through a blend of preparing, nearby exhibition, observing with critical thinking approach and intermingling support on issues related kid assurance, pre-adult young ladies and ladies. This has furnished us with a solid expert base to scale and fabricate associations with a scope of foundations and different corporate associations, government, colleges, worldwide systems and individual benefactors.

Hopeful Foundation

See how we are reaching millions of people all over the world and helping. We support community by establishing Health & wellness centers, Vocational Training Centers, Skill Development Centers, Old Days Homes for Old Age People.

Establish Old Days Home

Establish a modern ashram in a quiet and family atmosphere...

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Women Empowerment

Arrangement of many for education and marriage for poor girls.Benefit...

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Education Providing education for poor orphaned students.To inspire poor children...

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